We have a contest running right now as outlined in the graphic above. You can't change the position of the digits, but you can use as many of those mathematical symbols as you like. You can even put parentheses around digits, like ( 5 4 ), and consider that "54." And if you haven't seen that symbol "^" used before, that is used for exponents. (So 4^3 means 4 cubed.) We know of one way to do it, but there are probably many correct answers. If you find one, you can be our official winner by calling us and giving us the result during the live broadcast this Wednesday, October 22, 5-6 PM. The phone number is 1-888-762-1489. Good luck!
1 comment:
We have a winner!
Viewer Richard called in with a solution to the contest. Congratulations Richard! His solution:
( (987) - 6 + (5 x 4) + 3 ) x 2 / 1
Here are two other solutions our tutors devised:
( (9-8) + 7 ) x ( (65) x 4 - 3 ^ 2 x 1 )
sqrt(9) x (876) - 5 x 4 x ( (32) - 1 )
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